Thursday 16 June 2011

Guests learn to fly...

<p>So today was quiet an interesting yet frightening experience for both staff and guests alike. As I sat at my desk in the back office that only occupies my lil' old self, I began to hear yelps of help shreiking through the front door that seperated me and my co-workers who were checking in some guests. It was a distressful sound that maafe me just out of my seat and run to the door and slowly open it. I was a bit frightened as to what I might find behind that door, were my work collegues in trouble? I pushed the door open only to see everyone stairing up at the grand staircase that divided the front lobby. The screams got louder and upon a closer look there he was, a guest hanging over the egde of the railing on the second floor.  What made everything turn a foul moment into a grim one, wad the two men attempting to pushing the poor guy over.  With no sucess they began to drag him down the flights of stairs we continued to stare on, theres not much we could do we were paralyzed. The two men now reaching the first floor. We were able to asses that this was no ordinary removal of a potentially roudy guest and the two men were noone we recognized. I ran to the back ofgice and started to dial the police, only I couldnt remmember what the nimber was '888' no that wasnt correct. Again I dialed '999' " emergency which service woukd you like?" , I think I yelled police twice when he finally transfered me. Finally I was able to speak tot the police and let them know we had a guest being assulted and I was watching on the cctv camera in my office as the man was being dragged out and being stomped and battered. I turned to grab my chair and take a seat as I spoke to the police and must have taken my eyes off the tv because before I knew I daw from the corner of my eyes a flash of someone darting into the office and run behind my chair followed by Chris and behind Chris was Stephanie who was 7 months pregnant and quickly by Lia. Unbeknownst to me the assulted man broke through the secure front reception desk push my pregnant co-worker and began to hide in my back office.....thanks to our lovely secure and safe hotel, ensuring all of our safety.

Thursday 19 May 2011

What name badge?

You know you are reeeeaaaallllyyyyy good at your job when you can spot a trouble guest long before they've reached your computer to check in. He looked at me and I welcomed him with a bit of a smile and a " thank you for waiting," Mr. John looked at me with a sheepish smile " I want to check in" ok not a problem I responded. All good so far, "I dont want to be at the front of the hotel, I don't want a smoking room, I don't want a loud air  conditioner in the room, I'd like to sleep tonight."  was what followed..... "great" I thought, he's stayed with us before I see. Ok sir not a problem I'll see what I can do for you, I responded (knowing damn well that was a tall order.)

After whipping out the hotel layout in search of "the pefect room" ...alas I checked him into a lovely room. Ok sir your room number is 248. To which he resonded "where's your name badge?" .... "fuck" I thought. What to say... what to say. "I lost it, why?" You can tell he was still searching for it somewhere on my coat as if were going to miraculously appear. I want to know who has helped me on my stay, to which I blurted out "Jessica!"

With a smile he took his key and went up to his room. Some time had passed, when to my surprise Mr. John was back on the line making a steady pace walk right towards me.  As he firmly placed the key I had only just given him, "There's an air conditioner in my room - Jessica."

..... Fuck the badge.

Here goes nothin'!

Working in the hospitality industry is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding jobs you can have. But as in any job there are the nightmar-ish events that unfold on a daily basis ESPECIALLY when you work at a hotel. All the events I plan on sharing are all true events, although names are changed for my own peice of mind and to protect the integrity of co-workers and friends.

Welcome to the Chronicles of a Hotel Receptionist.